Monday, October 10, 2011

Labor & Delivery

It's been awhile since I have had a chance to blog, but I wanted to say a few words on how the past 10 days have gone. On Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 4:25 PM our lives changed forever. Our healthy little miracle was born and after 1 hour and 40 minutes of pushing Joe looked at me and announced that I had given birth to a baby girl...both of us were so overcome with joy (and I was also glad to be done pushing)!

Although I have say how lucky I was as my "labor" was not terribly long or painful; the first 5 hours from 6:30 AM to 11:30 AM my contractions were minimal (as far as pain goes) and at certain points I did not even realize I was having them. After the doctor broke my water the contractions picked up and then it got more intense. At 2:15 PM I got the epidural and at 2:40 Dr. McGrew checked me and we realized I was at 10 cm (I went 6 cm in 1 hour and 15 minutes; at 1:00 PM I was at 4 cm). I feel very fortunate that my labor was not very long and that I got the epidural prior to starting Gia out. It was an amazing experience and I am so happy and thankful that Joe was by my side the whole time, as well as my mom and dad being able to be with us in the room. Joe was so wonderfully supportive the entire process and I could not have asked for a better husband during L&D. It was an experience we were so happy to share together and the start of a new chapter with our little girl!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Anticipation is Building

It is now 6:15 less than 12 hours we will be at Hillcrest Hospital getting me ready to be induced to have the baby. The phone calls and text messages from various loving/concerned family members and friends have started to come in. All of the love and support is overwhelming. On tv this morning was Father of the Bride Part II; when the mom and daughter both have babies, at the end of the movie when they are getting ready to deliver I almost found myself breaking down in tears. I seem to be fine except for when my friend Erin texts or emails...every time I hear from her for some reason I feel like I am going to break down. I am both so excited and scared to death all at the same time. It's hard to even attempt to equate all of the emotions I have try to even process what is going to go on tomorrow. My mom asked me if I am scared about being in pain...I said well less scared of the pain and more scared of the process and it taking forever. Hopefully our little one will cut me some slack tomorrow and be ready to make the big debut (and not be too "fashionably late"). I know how many people have been and will be praying for us tomorrow and I am just going to trust that everything in my pregnancy has been healthy and normal for these 40 amazing weeks and that tomorrow will be no different. We are so excited to share our little one with the world soon.

This will be my last post before becoming a mom...just thinking about that word makes me think of how wonderful my mom is and my grandma was and for the so many other moms I know that have been such an important part of my life so far. Thank you for all you have done and for those things you have yet to do.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Belly Pictures 40 weeks & 2 days

Since I forgot to take pictures last week, I figured we would take one more picture of me and Baby Beyer before he/she makes their big debut! I can't help but feel restless now that we are 2 days past due date...part of me feels bad that I should have more patience or something, but Joe and I are just so excited. I am still feeling pretty well overall considering I am 2 days past due date. Mostly I just don't want to go to work tomorrow, but I will continue to go until Baby Beyer arrives. Here we are mom and little one for the last time in utero:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes!

It is hard to believe that exactly one year ago my friend Lauren and I were running in the Akron Road Runner half marathon! Lauren and I were talking yesterday about all of the training and preparation that went into planning for the race and how we had countless conversations about getting pregnant (hopefully at the same time) and becoming moms. Now being one day past due date it's crazy to think how fast the past 9 (well 10) months have gone and how time is just flying by. I know it will only be a few more days (hopefully sooner than Thursday, if possible) that we will be holding our little boy or girl. For now we are just waiting in excited anticipation!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dr. Appointment #13- Due Date!

We met with Dr. McGrew this morning for what we hoped would be our final appointment. Unfortunately, there was no change in my cervix since last week (as far as dilation goes). He says my cervix is still continuing to thin (which is good), but now I need to start having contractions so that the baby’s head pushes farther down. The good news is that all of my vitals as well as the baby sounded healthy and strong. The plan is to wait out the next few days and see if Baby Beyer comes out on his/her own. Dr. McGrew’s hospital day is Thursday which means if no baby by then we have an appointment at 6:00 AM to be at the hospital for me to be induced. Hopefully our little boy/girl will be ready to brave the world before then…but if not that is the plan. I plan to wash all of the floors, etc. tomorrow morning in the hopes to coax him/her out. There could also be a rigorous amount of jumping jacks to be started soon.

Joe and I wake up each day hoping that today will be the day…thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. The Ducks will be Flying Soon (hopefully)!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting a Little Closer

So the last few days have been pretty uneventful that was until yesterday. In the afternoon I started to get a stomach ache/cramps (but not having contractions). Lauren and I walked around DSW during lunch which seemed to help, but when I got back to work and sat down I felt icky again. Basically since yesterday afternoon I have had a constant stomach ache. Mom says that this is good because it means I am getting closer to having the baby.

I called the doctor yesterday to see if there were any earlier appointments for tomorrow (originally my appointment was at 3:45 PM). When I called there was a cancellation at 9:00 AM so we will be going first thing in the morning which works out better for me and Joe. If Dr. McGrew says not yet, both Joe and I will go back to work; if he says it is time…then the DUCKS WILL FLY AT MIDNIGHT! I am not having contractions yet (that I really know of) I still think they are Braxton Hicks because they are not very consistent and I am not in any pain (which is good). I am going to make sure to be more conscious of movement today so that I can write down and track any possible contractions that I do get. For now I am at work and just waiting…

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dr. Appointment #12

I just got back from the doctor and it was a good visit. I am still only 1 cm dilated, but getting close to 2 cm. Dr. McGrew said he can definitely feel the baby’s head and he/she is in a good position. The good news is that since last Friday my uterus has started to thin which is an important part of the process. For Baby Beyer to arrive three things need to happen: 1) Dilation, 2) Uterus thinning 3) Baby’s head down. We have two of three going on which is good. Dr. McGrew said that at my visit next Friday (assuming the baby does not come before then) that depending on how much I have dilated they could admit me since I will be full term, but we will wait and see how the next seven days go…who knows Baby Beyer could surprise us all and be here sooner! Both mine and the baby’s vitals continue to be strong and healthy so at this point we are just waiting for he/she to be ready to make their grand entrance.